SEM Rush


You’ve built a website? You want to rank on page 1? You have an e-commerce site and you want make sure your store’s offers perform well? You want to run google ads and need to target the right keywords to? Then this app is for you 🙂

SEMrush is an online marketing research service that helps ecommerce entrepreneurs and website owners understand how their competitors have created marketing opportunities so they can make use of them as well. 

Don’t make the mistake of basing your business decisions on anecdotal evidence; make sure you’re getting the facts. SEMrush can provide you with a plethora of valuable information to help you get those facts whether it’s in regards to keywords, backlinks, ad campaigns, website traffic, SEO, social media and much more so you can get concrete evidence on both the performance of your own website and your competitor’s websites so you can make the best decisions for your business.

1. Find out who your competitors are and the top competitors in your niche
2 .Determine the most valuable keywords your competitors are ranking for
3. Learn exactly where your competitors are getting backlinks from
4. Track your keywords and monitor their Google search position
5. Discover your competitors lucrative products to sell in your own store
6 . Learn exactly what keywords to use for your own products, pages, and blog posts

SEMrush is not for the new entrepreneur looking to start up their first ecommerce business – it’s for the entrepreneur looking to grow their reach, boost their traffic and get more from their efforts.
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